Friday, January 21, 2022

Back to the Rock Review!

I won't take to much of your time with this one, because clearly I was onboard since this was announced...

After MANY years of will they/won't they and news of possible movies and reboots, Apple TV and The Jim Henson Company have successfully brought back one of the happiest shows ever produced!

While it is a "reboot", there's not a whole lot that has changed in the Rock, why fix what isn't broken? The puppets are BEAUTIFUL and wonderfully performed by both new and original cast members.
The music is a lovely mix of Fraggles classics and new songs that sit perfectly alongside the originals.

The ONLY "negative" (and that's probably too strong of a word) is the fact that Dave Goelz's characters were puppeteered by another performer and dubbed in post (I assume because of COVID?) but you can feel that something is a little "off", which is kind of a bummer...
But if that's the ONLY thing that didn't sit well with me, I'll happily let it go.

I am SO happy that this show exists.
What a perfect love letter to the original series, while staying relevant and keeping these characters alive in a world where kids need Fraggles more than ever.

Saturday, January 1, 2022


2021 was a tough one for me (even more than 2020, if I'm honest...) but I'm grateful for all of the people (and the others not in this pic) who shared some of their days with me.

More soon!

Big Heater Workshop in 2021

Many thanks to everyone who gave one of our characters a home in 2021
This year we created nearly 100 puppets for performers in 19 US states and 4 countries!

See you in the New Year!

Encanto Movie Review!

Maybe I'm a bit late on this one, since the film dropped in theaters over Thanksgiving weekend... but now that Disney+ has given us all the gift of 'Encanto', it's worth talking about.

I wasn't sure what to expect going into this one, the trailers were expertly designed to sell the world without giving away any story; so there were moments along the way where I had no idea where the movie was going next, and that was legitimately exciting to me.

Lin Manuel Miranda has delivered another soundtrack full of instant classics as he flexes his musical muscles in songs of all sorts; with ear-worms, to comedy, to possibly one of Disney's greatest and most heartbreaking love songs (that will make me cry if I even think about it right now...)

The musicality of everything in the world of 'Encanto' feels very theatrical, and I hope that somewhere a stage version of this story and it's music is being discussed...
At the same time, there are so many things that are wonderfully unique to the animation, things that can only be done on screen: like the different art styles and colors for each character's gift, or the genius animation of Casita, using tiles, patterns, and slats to bring out character without even needing a face.
...Gosh, I love that kind of stuff...

The internet has no shortage of breakdowns for all the wonderful little details, that even after watching the movie more than once, I can still find something I've not noticed before.

So, as I wrap up, we're already watching it over again... And you should to.

More soon!