Friday, September 29, 2017

PROJECT: Winnie the Pooh "Hunny" Pots

My childhood revolved around Winnie the Pooh. I had the toys, dolls, play-sets, and action figures, I watched ALL of the movies and TV shows (The Book of Pooh is still one of the best children's shows ever produced), and had TONS of the books (both the A. A. Milne originals and Disney's incarnations).

One of the things my childhood always wanted that wasn't actually a real thing (aside from a Mr. Spell from Toy Story) was one of Pooh's Hunny Pots to store my collection of Winnie the Pooh and Friends figures in.

And I had only the best kind of Pooh figures, the kinds that didn't move or talk, no points of articulation, just a figure that could take part in any imaginary scenario I could dream up. Though, I did mostly just re-create whatever episode of The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh I'd just watched...

My Great-Grandmother was some kind of Yard Sale Magician and, somehow, always found everything I wanted in somebody's front yard... Complete sets of Happy Meal toys, Beanie Babies (back when they were a hot commodity), and generally anything else I could have imagined...
BUT she could NOT find a Hunny Pot.

So, she had to make do with a plastic Ice Cream bucket with "HUNNY" written in puffy paint on one side.
And I LOVED it. I carried toys everywhere in that thing...

Fast forwarding now about 20 years, when I found this:

I stumbled on this $10 candy jar in Wal-Mart's party supply department, and knew INSTANTLY it would make the PERFECT Hunny Pot. I grabbed two of them, and some cans of spray paint, and the started painting the second I got back home.

A few coats of paint, some painters tape, and a Sharpie were all I needed to see that silly, insignificant childhood dream realized.

They sit on a shelf with the rest of my Disney prop collection, and every time I look at them I smile.
Sometimes it's the little things that make your heart the happiest.

More soon,

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