Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Last Weeks Projects

I've been up to my eyeballs in puppets the last few days, it's been crazy but at least I've finally gotten my head back into the building game! Good thing, too, life is about to get CRAZY again! 
Though, I probably shouldn't talk about that...

Here's some of what I have been up to, that I CAN talk about:  

On last week's post (I think) I'd said that I'd built a character that I couldn't make post about at the time, but now that he's officially been revealed to the world, I can proudly share the new and improved Sam the Ham!
If you don't know about Sam and his pals, definitely go check out their YT channel to see this guy and his kooky friends in action!

Built these two for Treehouse Puppet Co., based on some store-bought characters that were due for an upgrade!
They'll be used in some new TV shows and online content shooting later this year. I'll be sure to share it when it hits!

Made this shaggy fella for my eBay store, but he got snatched up by one of my favorite costumers as a gift for her (quite accomplished) son!
I've had this fur for a few months and have been dying to make something out of it, this guy was totally worth the wait!

Another one for the eBay store that was purchased before he even hit the virtual shelves!
This guy's fur was a first attempt at a fabric dyeing job that didn't quite come out like I'd wanted, but I'm happy to see it came in handy somewhere!

That's all for now. Or at least for the next 10 minutes or so...
TWO more characters on the build table this afternoon before I head out on a MASSIVE adventure tomorrow evening!
Oops, really shouldn't have said that...

More soon (but you didn't hear that from me), 

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