Saturday, June 2, 2018

She Said Yes!

She said yes! We are joining forces!
We had a magical trip to Disney World over Memorial Day weekend, and I finally got to ask Audrey to marry me. It was an awesome few days to catch my breath after the last few months of craziness.
One more week of Goosebumps to go and I'll head back to the real world...

More very soon! 


The last few weeks have been a complete blur (more on that later...) so rather than making a dozen new posts to play catch-up I figured I'd just make this a DUMP of  the last month of Cosplay that Audrey and I put together!

Believe it or not, this AGENT PEGGY CARTER shoot happened on the same day as our Guardians of the Galaxy photos! Is she versatile or what?
I'm sure a set of vintage Steve Rogers pics will follow shortly...   

Rey was a really fun one! We found an awesome spot to take photos in Atlanta Memorial Park that felt like a mix of Rey's home planet Jakku, and The Last Jedi's Ahch-To.
We put the staff together from $30 worth of PVC plumbing parts from The Home Depot, and I roughed up and aged my BB-8 Hero Droid one night after work to match the environment we were shooting in.

Newt and Queenie were another pair that have been along time coming! I really latched onto these characters when I saw Fantastic Beasts in theatres. Like GOTG we've been gathering the costume pieces and props for quite a while, finally seizing the opportunity yet again in the Georgian Terrace Hotel in Atlanta. Pretty swanky, huh?

And finally, last and least, my Tower of terror Bellhop.With a Disney trip on the horizon, and having lived in a beautiful old hotel since February, I couldn't pass up this awesome photo-op!
I do hope I didn't spook too many people...

These were a lot of fun to put together, shoot, and edit! 
Granted, Audrey did most of the work, but I had a lot of fun watching her do her thing! 
We had a few more in the works, but my filming schedule didn't allow the time to shoot them... But I'm sure those will rear their heads sooner rather than later.

That's all for now but I'm sure there will be much more to follow soon,