Thursday, March 21, 2019

Moody Teen on eBay!

She can't even. And doesn't want to. Ever.
Now in my eBay store!

More soon,

Little Girl on eBay!

Her favorite color is glitter!
Now in my eBay store! 

More soon,

Blue Boy on eBay!

He doesn't know what that word means, but he'll be sure to yell it in the middle of the grocery store!
Now in my eBay store!

More soon,

Chicken Pete for Chicken Peace

Meet Chicken Pete! He's standing up for what he believes in!

I came up with this idea as I was building what I thought was just a silly chicken puppet a few weeks ago, the character and this video idea all came out while I was building, and I decided that I didn't want to let him go to my eBay store after all!

This was a fun and quick shoot, we had to beat a rainstorm and had to film before the KFC opened for the day because... social anxiety.

I've missed filming silly little things like this, I hope I'll find the time to do some VERY soon!

More soon!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Rocker on eBay!

Party on! 
Now in my eBay store!

More soon,

Pink Cutie on eBay!

She certainly didn't empty the cookie jar while you were away...
Now in my eBay store! 

More soon, 

Captain Marvel!

The general grossness and overwhelming negativity filling every comment thread surrounding this film has made it very clear that I am not supposed to like it.
I like to be well-informed, so I looked into the multiple reasons why I should not spend my hard-earned Man Cash on a ticket... Apparently, this propaganda-laced film supports a strong feminist agenda, dares to suggest that woman and minorities can carry a story themselves, AND, to top it all off, the leading lady doesn't smile enough. 
Despite all of the warnings from my fellow men, and at the risk of having my Man Card revoked, I decided to take the gamble I paid my dollars late Thursday night, and here's the deal: I loved it! 
As hard as I've tried, I still can't see where all the hate is coming from... The characters are interesting and sympathetic, the action sequences are excellent, the comedy is solid, and there are more than enough easter eggs and cameos to make die-hard Marvel nerds happy.
If you're into Marvel, go see it.
If you like hero stories, go see it.
If you enjoy movies, go see it.
Don't listen to the fedoras on the internet.

More soon,

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Hit or Miss: A Star Wars Comedy Short

Don't miss our new video!
We shot this thing nearly two years ago and I finally found the strength to sit still for a few hours and edit it. 

More soon,