Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Bo Peep Cosplay Shoot

 Me again. Continuing to spam you with Toy Story content: 

Wanted to make a quick post to brag on my favorite real-life Disney Princess and the AMAZING Bo Peep cosplay that she made for a photo shoot earlier this week.

We spent a few hours in Joann Fabrics and Hobby Lobby on a quest for the perfect fabrics and Audrey edited patterns to make this beautiful recreation of Bo's costume, that I really think is some of her best work ever. I helped a little... the button, staff, and headband were me, but the rest was ALL Audrey and her creative genius.

We took hundreds of pictures, so there's more that will be shared later... just wanted to show off Audrey's hard work.
We shot everything in the wee hours of the morning because the Social Anxiety is strong with us, and I'm very happy with all I'm learning with my new "Big Boy" camera.
I love her lots.
Can you tell?

More soon,

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Toy Story 4 (SPOILERS)

Thank you, Pixar.

If you follow me on any form of social media you know that my love for Toy Story is real. 
Heck, Audrey and I even wrote our names on the bottom of each others shoes for our wedding...

The Toy Story films and their characters have always been special to me. They kick-started my imagination in a great way. And, as someone who plays with inanimate objects for a living, I owe Pixar a LOT. It's so cool to me that after 25 years I still get to check in on my old friends and be a giddy 10-year-old for a few hours.

The movie opens with a flashback to one of the favorite places of my childhood: Andy's room.
We get an awesome look at Woody and Bo Peep in action together in their hey-day, rescuing an abandoned RC from the side yard. Moments later, Bo is taken away and a beautiful, but silent, goodbye happens for Woody. Cue the tears and Randy Newman's You've Got a Friend in Me".
And that's just the first 15 minutes.

All of our favorite toys have their shining moments, and the new members of the cast, Tony Hale as Forky, Keanu Reeves as Duke Caboom, Ally Macki as Giggle McDimples, Christina Hendricks as Gabby Gabby, and Key & Peele and Ducky & Bunny are wonderful and perfect additions to the already existing Toy Story family and all have unique dynamics that we've not seen in a TS movie before.
And don't get me started on those Dummies...

(I would bet good money that they were inspired by a certain evil Dummy that I hang out with...)

I know a lot of people complained that a fourth film was unnecessary after the picture-perfect ending of TS3 , but I disagree. Pixar knows their audience too well. Toy Story 3 happened when a lot of us who grew up with the first two films were graduating and moving into a new stage of our lives. As someone who just got married, I feel like the conclusion of Woody's story speaks to those of us starting a new chapter with someone we love. But maybe I'm just a softy.

Clearly I was already in the bag for this movie, but it met and then exceeded all of my (admittedly very high) expectations. I hope I get to experience it again in theaters, it's too good to only see once.

To Infinity and Beyond,

DIY FORKY! (Toy Story 4 Craft)

New video! 

More soon,

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Basic Teen on eBay!

Literally... Can't... Even.
Now in my eBay store! 

More soon,

Professor on eBay!

I;m sure you all completed the assignment....
Now in my eBay store! 

More soon,

Movie Night!

A few weeks late, but we were finally able to see this little beauty tonight!
I think most everyone has already agreed that this is one of Disney's best so there's not much I can say that hasn't already been blogged about a thousand times...
Beautiful visuals, the score and songs (new and old) are perfect, the casting is superb, and all of the little story tweaks and changes from the original are just lovely. Well worth the ticket!

The only thing better than Aladdin was walking out of the theater to hear an adorable little girl talking about the "Slappys" in the Toy Story 4 poster!

More soon,