Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Bo Peep Cosplay Shoot

 Me again. Continuing to spam you with Toy Story content: 

Wanted to make a quick post to brag on my favorite real-life Disney Princess and the AMAZING Bo Peep cosplay that she made for a photo shoot earlier this week.

We spent a few hours in Joann Fabrics and Hobby Lobby on a quest for the perfect fabrics and Audrey edited patterns to make this beautiful recreation of Bo's costume, that I really think is some of her best work ever. I helped a little... the button, staff, and headband were me, but the rest was ALL Audrey and her creative genius.

We took hundreds of pictures, so there's more that will be shared later... just wanted to show off Audrey's hard work.
We shot everything in the wee hours of the morning because the Social Anxiety is strong with us, and I'm very happy with all I'm learning with my new "Big Boy" camera.
I love her lots.
Can you tell?

More soon,

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