Friday, October 25, 2019

Joker Movie Review

A little late on this one, but still thought I'd share this here...

I'm not going to lie, I didn't like this movie at all...

To be fair, I am very much against the strange culture of love and idolization for Joker and his relationships that has become so common in the past few years... This movie's look at a man and his very real mental illness made for a very uncomfortable and tedious two hours.

Nothing against the ridiculously talented cast and creatives behind the scenes, of course, it's certainly a work of art, the story just did not speak to me.

Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I wanted someone to win or lose at the climax of the film, but I left feeling very unsatisfied.
Nothing against you if you feel differently, it just wasn't a movie made for me.
Maybe the next one...

More soon,

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