Monday, November 4, 2019



I've wanted to break into Cons for a while... since Audrey and I go to so many anyway, wouldn't it be fun to meet some Goosebumps fans while I'm there?

Turns out I was right! And I had an absolute blast at Conzilla in Columbus, GA this weekend!

I signed some photos, sold some puppets, and met a TON of very excited kids (and adults), including this adorable Mini Slappy Cosplay:

I genuinely had SO much fun geeking out with people, and being silly with the kids for a few hours.
Actor Deep Roy (Willy Wonka, Star Wars, etc.) even stopped by to play with the puppets!

Did I mention I had the best assistant ever? 
She's super cute, too...

I have two more appearances on the calendar for 2020, but more on those later...

More soon! 

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