Thursday, November 2, 2017


One of the perks of being an "adult" is getting to act like a kid every now and then.
...Of course, I do get to play with dolls for a living, but I digress... 

Growing up, my parent's rules for Halloween were pretty strict. 
No costumes and no Trick-or-Treating.
So it wasn't until a few years back, when I moved out and into my own place, that I got to have a proper Halloween!
I bought a HUGE plastic pumpkin full of candy, Styrofoam tombstones, and spooky lights for the front porch, and was prepared for a night of scary movies and Trick-or-Treaters...

Yeah, no one came to the door and I ended the night eating my feelings in the form of about 50 Dum-Dum lollipops...

Fast forward to last year's Halloween (2016), now my girlfriend is a costumer so OF COURSE we're going all out on the costumes! 
We dressed as Seymour and Audrey (and her name IS Audrey) from Little Shop of Horrors.
Little Shop
is a very important show to us and how we ended up together, but I won't go into all of that right now...
Because she's amazing, Audrey pulled the costumes together very quickly. But I wanted to contribute to the fun somehow, too, so built a prop "Audrey II" to carry around for the day.
What can I say, puppets are my crutch... 

This year we knew that we'd have to step it up!
There was a very long list, but through a strenuous process of elimination we finally made the very tough and time-consuming decision...

Boq and G(a)linda from the Broadway Musical "Wicked".
It's an odd choice, and no one knew who we were, and that was part of the fun!

Both of our costumes came from Goodwill, with Audrey taking her magic touch to them a few weeks before Halloween. It only took her a few hours to tailor my suit and add all the "Ozian" details.
She's just magical like that.

I custom-built and customized a few props to complete our characters, I'll do a post on those later...

In all, we spent less than $50 for both costumes.

It's become a tradition (and when I say "tradition" I mean that we've done it twice, so I should really come up with a better word before I post this thing...) to have a mini Photo-Shoot in costume with our "adopted" Theatre Daughter, Sophie McDow
We took 130+ pictures on the campus at Lagrange College (and got plenty of strange looks along the way) but the photos came out beautifully so I'm not complaining!

We spent the rest of the night on Audrey's front porch giving out candy and looking at everyone else's amazing costumes. Then we hit Wal-Mart at 2 am to stock up on 50% off props, costumes, and Puppet Making supplies!

It's crazy how much fun I didn't even know I could have!
I can't wait for next year, we are already working on it...

More soon,

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