Tuesday, December 5, 2017

A Tale of No Grinches

Do you remember that special Christmas show I posted about last week?
The one with the Grinch, fireworks, dancers, and a show we'd been rehearing for 3 weeks?

Yeah, about that...

 Even Elsa couldn't control the weather, and heavy rain cancelled our precious show before it even had a chance to begin.
That's Winter in the South for ya...
The outdoor stage was too wet and dangerous for our dancers, and the steadily-increasing rain called off the Grinch's portions of the show shorty thereafter.

Everyone was already in costume and people were still arriving, so it would have been a real shame to just pack up and head back home.
A few disappointed, and wet, people were gathering to see Santa for consolation prize photos so Audrey, being the real-life Princess she is, decided to follow suit and pose for photos and meet kids as well.
Before you knew it the entire cast got in on the fun, and we all posed for TONS of pictures for the next hour or so.
It felt a bit like we were working at Disney World.

The skies cleared a bit, and the fireworks were still on, so we put on an impromptu, and very brief version of our show for the folks who were hanging out for the fireworks show.
We sang some carols, played some improv games, and had some fun with the crowd.
It felt like a community party.
It felt like Christmas.

It turned out to be ridiculously fun and I'd love to do it again next year! 
Granted, I'd love to do a proper show even more... but you get the idea... 

More later,

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