Saturday, December 22, 2018

Interview with a Dog

New video alert!
Thanks to the joy that is seasonal depression my videos have been pretty sparse for a while...
But this one has been in my head for years now, and I didn't want to waste a beautiful (but cold) day.

I built the pup, Seymour (named after my favorite leading man from Little Shop of Horrors), on a free night nearly two years ago and he's been patiently waiting for his shot since.
We shot this one in Idle Hour Park in Phenix City, AL around their lake and nature trail, and only got a FEW weird looks from their security officer.

The music was performed by my sister, Esther Kinsaul, but was recorded for another project in 2011! Somehow I had the foresight to save the files and finally give them a home in this video!

It's a sweet little video and I'm very happy with how it turned out!
I am working very hurriedly to get this year's Christmas video out in time for the Holiday, so keep an eye open! BUT first two videos for next year have already been produced and uploaded and are just awaiting their release dates!

More soon,

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