Friday, February 1, 2019


I know that I've been pretty darn quiet lately, and I have a few REALLY good reason this time! The events of the last month or so have put me into a bit of a funk and have really made me think about a lot of things. In a way, I suppose I'm posting this as my month-too-late New Years Resolution:

But before I do that, I need to tell a story...
I REALLY wish I could lay out some specifics here, but I honestly can't (at least for a while...) In mid-December, I was presented with an amazing opportunity, something that I've wanted my entire life, and have even worked toward for the last 8+ years of my professional career. I didn't hesitate, I chased it immediately, booked a plane ticket, and went on the adventure. And it went very well! This event lead to another in early January, which I then had to turn down. Now, this isn't a sad story, I don't want anyone's sympathy, or words of wisdom. I have come out the other side of this thing happier, lighter, and even determined. What HAD been a dream is not really an option anymore, and I'm okay with it. VERY okay.

Not taking on this new (and frankly quite scary) adventure has helped me see what IS most important to my life right now. The possibilities of what I can accomplish in my own corner of the world is pretty much unlimited. I have a lot of talented people around me that I definitely want to call on to help grow that world. Creating, building, and making are my top priorities, I just needed a bit of a kick in the pants to get myself in motion. 

I want 2019 to be my most productive year ever! Making a presence for myself (and Audrey) in the online community is going to be a major focus. Lots of videos, new characters, and maybe even a podcast or two... Who knows what will happen in the next 11 months, but I want to look back on this post in January of 2020 and feel good about the body of work that comes from this year.

I'm in no way a therapist, and I do have a lot of sad days, but I've been able to get through all of the earth-shattering decisions in my life by reminding myself of this: 
It's your life. You're driving. The decision is yours.

Make your decision, and make it something great.

More soon,

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