Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Monster Mash!

This MAMMOTH of a video has been a work in progress for well over two months now...

No lie, this song has been tumbling around in my head since I was 5 years old, and I'm shocked that no one has produced a puppet music video with it.

The biggest, and most time consuming factor of producing this video, was creating the nine new Monster characters. Starting in early September, I designed and built this gang of misfits, with their custom and specialty-made costumes assembled by the beautiful and talented Audrey Rushan (who is also my girlfriend, and who also-also performed the backup vocals to the video).

Since filming, all of the characters made their way to my eBay store and have shipped out to performers around the globe!

In total (building, filming, editing, etc.), we put  around 75 hours into this crazy thing.
Totally worth it.

I'm already planning for next year...

More soon,

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